Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Multitude Of Species

Tomorrow, at the National Press Club in Washington, D. C., a group of UFO researchers say they will present strong evidence supporting the thesis that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth. Further, they say, the U. S. Government is prepared to release all its UFO information, which will finally prove that we are not alone.

Perhaps the weakest link in a case that suffers from a severe lack of solid evidence on the pro-UFO side is the number of alien species supposedly visiting Earth. Through the years, various UFOlogists have claimed possibly six alien races of various shapes, sizes, and colors are at work in Area 51. Abductees report a similar range. Worldwide, alien races seem to be associated with specific areas of Earth, suggesting to skeptics the aliens originate in human culture,

Postulating an alien visitation of Earth in the recent past as a singular event is one thing. Postulating ongoing contact with one alien race might be acceptable. Postulating several races are visiting Earth regularly would seem to stretch credulity to the breaking point. Those who would make that case need to present extraordinary evidence.

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