Monday, August 18, 2008

Space Policy Back and Forth

Jeff Faust is owner/operator of The Space Review website, which features articles on virtually everything that is somehow related to space. I sometimes contribute articles there myself.

This week, Faust has an excellent article on the site that looks at the evolving space policy positions of both Barack Obama and John McCain. From space policy statements on the respective campaign websites to statements actually made by the candidates to debates between surrogates, advocates of human spaceflight beyond low Earth orbit should be heartened. Both candidates now seem to be firmly on record supporting the Constellation program, with no delays, trying to minimize the gap between the shuttle retirement and Orion flights, and returning humans to the Moon as a first step to going even deeper into the Solar System.

Heartened, but perhaps cautious. These are politicians, after all-- politicians in the heat of a presidential race. It's probably best to wait until one of them is president, NASA gets the funding it needs, and Constellation is in high gear, bending metal at a furious pace before advocates declare provisional victory. As Ronald Reagan used to say: "Trust, but verify."

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