Friday, October 31, 2008

Exploring Luna For Profit

Astrobotic Technology, Inc., one of the competitors in the Google Lunar Challenge, has announced plans that stretch well beyond the Challenge. It plans to launch first lunar mission, which would likely attempt to win the $30 million prize money of the Challenge, in May, 2010. The target will be Apollo 11's Tranquility Base. Care will be taken not to disturb the historic site.

ATI plans four missions after that. They will focus on gathering data on whether there is water ice on the lunar surface and on picking a site for a lunar base. Shackleton Crater will be a prime target. Data gathered on those missions will be sold to interested parties.

Odyssey Moon, another Google Lunar competitor, also has a business plan for long term success. It plans to put rovers on the Moon that ordinary people will be able to drive throygh the company's website and retail outlets.

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