Monday, December 15, 2008

Tough Transition At NASA?

So far, according to most accounts, the transition from the Bush administration to the Obama is going extremely well. That might not be the case at NASA.

According to Robert Shank, a blogger at, NASA administrator Michael Griffin is trying to control what information is given to the Obama NASA transition team. Griffin flatly denies doing any such thing. Instead, he says, he has told NASA executives to give all the help they can.

At stake seems to be the future of the Constellation program to return humans to the Moon, and thus possibly the fate of manned spaceflight at NASA for the immediate future. Mr. Obama seems to support manned spaceflight in theory, but he has yet to commit himself to any future goal that would give direction to NASA. Of course, he's not president yet.

1 comment:

Neo said...

I have a feeling it may be a rough ride for nasa in the coming years, rougher than say Apollo 13...
being a politician Obama will tell you what you want to hear, and then fall way short in the end, I think he is a hoax imposter and all the other bad things a politician can be. I don't think we are in a place where a president can come out like JFK did and set a goal... "not because it is the easy thing to do but because it is ..."