Friday, April 23, 2010

Einstein Confirmed..... Again

Two new studies, both using data from NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory, support, once again, Albert Einstein's General Relativity. Both studies looked at galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally-bound structures in the universe; studying mass and, therefore, gravity is key to relativity. One of the studies looked at a competing theory of gravity, and that theory failed on the data. The second study directly tested General Relativity at the level of galactic distances, and the results were in close agreement to the predictions of Einstein's theory.

After nearly a century of debate and testing, relativity seems firmly established in describing the workings of the universe at one level. just as Isaac Newton's Laws of Gravity described-- and still do-- how the universe operates at a different level. Likely, relativity will remain the ruler of motion in the cosmos until someone sees an even deeper level of reality. That might take a while.

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