Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where To Go?

The National Research Council issued a report Monday which suggested directions NASA might go with its planetary exploration program over the decade 2013-2022. First on the wish list is a Mars mission designed to study whether life ever existed on the Red Planet. Second is an orbiter of Jupiter's moon, Europa. Both of those, however, are only recommended if their budgets can be kept under control.

The NRC also suggested NASA continue its strategy of flying less expensive, more frequent missions-- this time to Earth's Moon, asteroids, Venus, and possibly Saturn and Uranus.

The report, indeed, has a focus on budgets, given the debt and budget problems of the U. S. Government. That's understandable, but might be poor strategy. Perhaps the NRC should simply lay out what is technologically feasible and scientifically important to open the debate, and then see what's politically possible.

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