Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gliese 581d Habitable?

The system of the red dwarf star Gliese 581, a mere 20 light years away, continues to fascinate scientists. A new study based on sophisticated computer modeling of a possible carbon-based atmosphere for Glies 581d, a so-called super-Earth, suggests that 581d could have clouds, rain, liquid water on the surface, and might be habitable.

Of course, this is from a computer model based on the mass of the planet, its distance from its tiny, dim, parent star, and a good deal of informed, directed tinkering. It is, as everyone acknowledges, speculation. The next step is to directly analyze 581d's atmosphere. That should be possible within the next few years. At that point, there might be some truly remarkable news.

Gliese 581d might even merit an honest-to-gosh name.

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