Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Venus Option

Mars is seen by virtually everyone as the target for mankind's first interplanetary voyage.  Mars has the possibility of life, after all-- either extinct or extant.  Mars also has an incredible surface where humans can land, explore, and live.

Venus has neither the real possibility of life nor a ready surface.  However, if our first interplanetary voyage will not involve a landing on the planet, Venus has some things to recommend it.  First, when a trip would be undertaken, Venus would be closer to Earth than Mars ever is, making for a shorter mission.  Second, solar power could be used more easily at Venus.  Third, the major science to be done at Venus is the study of its atmosphere, which could be pushed forward by a properly equipped manned spacecraft in the area.

NASA is focused on Mars, but a private effort to Venus?  Who knows?

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