Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lunar Networking

To support humanity's establishment of a permanent presence on the Moon, according to a new study, a satellite-based communications network will be necessary. Without such a network, any expeditions to the far side would be out of radio contact with Earth. There are also certain areas in the lunar polar regions-- where a lunar base might be built to take advantage of water ice that may exist in permanently shadowed areas-- where rough terrain would block direct radio contact with the home world.

Such a com-sat network, therefore, would keep astronauts on the surface in constant contact with Earth, even while opening the far side to exploration. At the same time, the network could also serve as a GPS=type system, giving surface explorers more autonomy from Earth by allowing them to establish their own location.

A project establishing the beginnings of permanent lunar settlement will need to bring private industry into the effort. Creating and maintaining such a communications network may be one ideal assignment that could be given to a private concern.

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