Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stephenville In Context

A UFO report in January of this year, centered on alleged sightings of a huge craft flying over Stephenville, Texas, on January 8, caused a brief national stir. Last night, on The History Channel's UFO Hunters, that event was put into a broader context.

According to the program, the January 8, 2008, mass sighting was simply the crest in a wave of UFO sightings in the area that started, perhaps, in November, 2007, and continued at least into February, 2008, when the show was taped. Further, Texas seems to have a history of such waves, going all the way back to 1897.

The problem with such waves is precisely their regional nature. If these are real craft, why are they associated with certain areas? Traveling at thousands of miles per hour, they should cover, and be seen, over wide areas along their flight paths. There are indications, in fact, that some independent reports separated by huge distances could be describing the same craft, but such correlations are rare. Why should they be? Where do these things go once they leave their "home areas?" Into another dimension? Into orbit? Maybe only NORAD knows.

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