Sunday, July 6, 2008

Larry King and UFOs

Larry King of CNN seems to have something of an interest in UFOs. Every few weeks he does a program on the subject that features UFO investigators, skeptics, and witnesses of one kind or another. Since that mix is fairly constant, the discussions on the programs tend to follow the same pattern.

King, in fact, invariably gets around ro asking the question the mainstream media and some skeptics seem to think is something close to a clincher. "If aliens are coming to Earth," the question goes, "why do they land in the boondocks? Why don't they land in New York's Central Park, or on the White House lawn?" The implication is that unless ufologists can answer that question, their arguments need not be taken seriously.

Well, nonsense. First, the people who ask that generally live and work in big cities. It suggests, therefore, a possible bias against rural areas and the people who live in them. Second, the questions assumes people who study UFOs should understand the motives and strategies of an advanced, sophisticated alien race. Journalists often struggle to understand the motives and strategies of other humans. The fact that ufologists cannot explain presumed alien behavior means not a wit. Indeed, if they claimed perfect knowledge of the subject, skeptics would be justified in suggesting ufologists were blowing smoke. Third, the premise of the question is incorrect. There are numerous reports of the range of UFO activities, including abductions and landings, in major cities.

Mr. King may want to fimd a fresh angle before his next UFO program. Even suggesting by asking that question that aliens smart enough to get to Earth would think like the American mainstream media is a bit much.

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