Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spaceport America

Building Spaceport America in New Mexico is moving ahead. The New Mexico Space Authority has asked for bids to build a road to the site; it hopes work on the road can begin by September. The plan calls for having the main terminal and hangar ready to open in 2010.

Virgin Galactic has already committed to locating its headquarters and main operations at the spaceport, and other companies, including Lochheed Martin, have also expressed interest in using it. VG is scheduled to begin test flights for its WhiteKnightTwo carrier aircraft later this month in Mohave, California. Other companies are working on their own spacecraft and launchers, but few iof them show obvious signs of becoming realuty any time soon.

If Spaceport America is going to prosper off the bat, those signs need to change quickly.

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