Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NASA Science Fiction

NASA is teaming with a leading publisher of science fiction novels, Tor/Forge, to create a series of novels that feature NASA science and technology. The stories will showcase how NASA is relevant to everyday life, as well as describing technology the agency is working on for the future. Writers involved with the series will be given special access to NASA scientists and engineers, databases, etc.

The idea behind the project is to present a positive image of NASA to the reading public while also inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers much as science fiction inspired earlier generations. Those stories were told by writers like Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradury, and Gene Roddenberry, however-- writers who had no contractual relationship with NASA to produce positive stories. This new project has at least the potential of producing NASA propaganda. All involved will have to work to avoid that.

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