Sunday, August 21, 2011

Reading Alien Minds

New research looking at what aliens might do if they found us sets out a range of possibilities, from wiping us out to helping us solve our major problems. It's interesting speculation, and probably a good way to publish an article, but it tells us precious little about aliens.

That's because we know nothing at all about intelligent aliens. We don't know what they would be like. We can assume aliens from different planets would be different one from the other; talking simply about aliens, therefore, probably misses a big point. On the other hand, many theorists argue if we ever physically meet ET, it will likely be in the form of intelligent machines. Machine civilizations may well be more uniform in structure, outlook, and approach than biology-based societies. We can also assume a star-hopping civilization will be incredibly wealthy in comparison to us.

Speculating about aliens is interesting, but it says more about what the speculator thinks about Us than anything about Them.

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