Thursday, April 26, 2012

HD 10-180

The star HD 10-180 is a Sun-like star roughly 127 light-years away.  Astronomers have known for a little while now that it had a planetary system, but a new study suggests that system might be more extensive than previously thought.

In 2009, astronomers determined the star had at least five planets in its gravitational sway.  Now, however, evidence suggests it might have as many as nine full-blown worlds in orbit about it.  That's one more than the Sun has.

The planets involved include two hot super-Earths extremely close to the star and a Neptune-type world orbiting squarely in the habitable zone.

The fact that two stars of the same type both have multi-planet systems implies that at least G-type stars may tend to have planetary systems.  That could argue life might be relatively common around stars like ours.

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